Only teams of three are eligible to compete in ten matches at most across a three-hour time limit. Schedule to occur on November 16 for three regions and November 17 for the remaining four, the Community Cup is an open trios tournament. Join us as we analyze the tournament in its entirety. Today, ESTNN breaks down the format, scoring system and prize distribution for the Community Cup. The previous two were released in Fortnite's Item Shop, but players can win the Victor Elite skin through the first-ever Community Cup this time around. This outfit is the third FNCS-branded skin released by Epic Games since Chapter 2 – Season 6. Comes with Mask + Helmet (Helmet A), Standalone Mask (Helmet B), and Standalone Helmet (Helmet C) - "No sunglasses" variants exist for helmets A & B, as well.In that same announcement, Epic revealed a Community Cup open to all players, where the top-performing teams will take home the “Victor Elite” outfit-also known as the purple FNCS Juggernaut.
Default & Tinted Ghost (Apparition) Helmets - Male Only - found under the helmet category, it will also show off your selected soldier's nationality/flag. Default & Tinted Ghost (Apparition) gear - Male Only - you may find these under names like "Ghost Apparition Torso (COD:MW)." Torso gear comes in Partial & Full variations. Comes with goggles up (Helmet A), goggles down (Helmet B), and no goggles versions (Helmet C). Default & Tinted Ronin (Honjo) Helmets - Male Only - found under the helmet category.
Default & Tinted Ronin (Honjo) gear - Male Only - you may find these under names like "Ronin Honjo Torso (COD:MW)." Torso gear comes in Partial & Full variations. The tinted version can be influenced by both skin & eye color! The Hair comes with versions for use with Frank Wood's head, as well as the XCom Head. Default & Tinted Frank Woods Head, Bandanna, Beard and Hair - Male Only - the Head (found under race 0) features full facial weights & will animate correctly.
Default & Tinted Frank Woods gear - Male Only - you may find these under names like "Frank Woods Torso (COD:MW)." Alternate XCom-specific versions are also available for some pieces (like the arms).